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Writer's pictureInfiniti

How Many Sentro Scrunchies Can You Get Out of One Cake of Coboo?

Updated: Jun 2, 2022

The world may never know!

All jesting aside, when searching out new fibers for your stash, you want to make sure that you're buying the right one for your intended projects.

When it came to finding a new fiber for my Sentro Knitting Machine scrunchies, Lion Brand's Coboo yarn cakes looked like the prime candidate for this project. Each cake of LB Coboo contains 232 yds of blended fiber (51% cotton, 49% rayon from bamboo). It has a lovely texture, similar to most bamboo/cotton blend yarns I've used in the past.

One night in the studio as I was making the last of my silk blend scrunchies, just how many scrunchies can I crank out of one of these cakes?

When I make scrunchies on the Sentro Knitting Machine, I typically churn out about 11 - 12 inches of fabric per item. The math nerd in me did the calculations and those 232yds came out to a crazy 8,352 inches. By the time you divide that by 12, you get 696.

I was perplexed. I held the little cake in my crafty hands and came to the conclusion that was way off... I mean honestly, at $5.99 per cake, that just seemed a little too good to be true. So I set out on a mission. A couple of nights later, I began to work on my Sentro scrunchies. One thing I noticed while crafting with Lion Brand Coboo was that it is pretty thin.

Actually classified as a 3 weight yarn, I

had no issues working with it but of course, my fabric was thinner. It wasn't too thin by my estimate so I continued on.

In the end, taking into account all the tales and waste yarn used, I got 5 full and stretchy scrunchies out of one cake of Lion Brand Coboo. What a gold mine! I also calculated the fact that I had all 19 colors at my disposal. Forgive me for nerding out here but 5 scrunchies x 19 colors = 95 scrunchies. Because I have a yarn hoarding issue, I have two of each color so that's a whopping 190 scrunchies from my stash. I don't know about you Crafty, but that sounds like an amazing prospect for inventory and craft fairs!

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