Happy Monday, Crafties! I hope you all had a great Christmas. Mine was fairly uneventful but, today when I logged on, I was met with the reality of being 10 subscribers away from my channel's 2022 goal of 10,000 subscribers.
By noon, the target had been landed and honestly, I could have cried. There have been a lot of stressful moments here with my craft business this year. Being able to hit the main goal on my list of desires for ICC has been so uplifting to me and I cannot thank my community enough.
Sometimes things start feeling a little hopeless on this journey I've started down but, nonetheless, I keep trusting God and moving along.
Thanks so much for being a part of this journey with me, Crafties. I hope this next year is filled with amazing things for the brand and I hope you'll all be there to enjoy the ride with me.
Way back at the beginning of the year, I stated that when I hit this goal, I'd relaunch the merch shop. That's currently in the works for the new year and I hope you'll enjoy the new designs I'll have to offer.
I'll have more of an update later in January but, until then
Thank you and Happy Making!