Happy Friday, Crafties!
I know it's late but I've had a full day and am just now finding time to write. As you may know, life has really been piling it on these last couple of years and that can take its toll on your mental health after a while. Welp last night as we were making our way home, a deer came out of nowhere on an inner city street and banged up the front of our car. The fender did a barrel roll through the air and initially I'd thought my license plate was gone (though that was thankfully not the case, I just got those 😅.) First and foremost, I was grateful to the Lord that we walked away from that freak accident in one peace. I summed it up to be the enemy and his antics but, I know the benevolent God that I serve and I am happy that neither myself or my grandmother (who was driving) was
Needless say, I had a rough night as I started thinking existentially about everything going on between this ordeal with my front tooth, meeting deadlines for classes, and now a new expense smacking me in the face. I had to remind myself of the hopefulness that I'd been feeling since the end of spring break and just trust that God will sort out all of this craziness. Despite all the bad that seems to be going
one, there has been a lot of good and again, I just try to remember that as I battle out these issues.
Now, prior to this happening, I'd ordered a new round of marketing materials in the form of flyers, packaging labels, and bookmarks! Now for those of you who don't know, I am a bookworm and in more economically stable times, I frequent my local bookstore in the arts district here. A few weeks ago, I felt inspired by the Lord to get these designed and made to give out as freebies for the store. Today, after making new yarn bowls, I headed over there since it wasn't too far. To be honest, I'm always nervous when I pitch my business or reach out for collaborative efforts.

Right now, these feelings are especially high as the pressure mounts to become successful at this thing and get my name out there. And reflecting on how things have been going business-wise over the last couple of years, I was terrified to do this. However, I'd already decided that I'd trust God and go over to the shop since its near my school. To my surprise, they were super supportive and I handed over the whole stack that I'd brought with me.
In retrospect I should have counted how many I gave out for analytics' sake. But you know what? I'm just elated that a bunch of fellow book junkies will also get the chance to check out my site. Maybe they'll even want to learn knitting or crochet from me? Who knows?!
I've been working at this online presence thing for 5 years which has been good but, recently, I've been wondering if I'd been missing something by not engaging locally. I was also about to go around and offer up flyers for community boards today which was also great. It was a little chilly out and very rainy so, I cut my little journey short but I feel hopeful despite everything else going on. They newer prints have a QRcode as well as a link because I've noticed that most people around my age just like to scan and go. As I was leaving the tea shop, my poster had already caught someone's eye. So here's to the effort lol.
Happy Making!